A little learning is a dang’rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Ideas Worth Spreading

For a first post, I can't think of a better web site than this. TED (which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a yearly conference which gathers some of the world's leading professionals in various fields to present eighteen minute lectures on topics ranging from behavioral economics to art to linguistics.

All these presentations, which they call TEDtalks, are available for free online. As of today, they have over two hundred and a new one is added every week.

My favorites include Dan Dennett's "Cute, Sweet, Sexy, and Funny," Dan Ariely's "Buggy Moral Code," and Robert Ballard's "Exploring the Oceans."


Welcome to You're Not Using Your Brain, or NUYB for short. I created this blog as a means to further learning for it's own sake, for those with a sincere and honest commitment to knowledge. I have a few plans for this place but for now I'll stick to posting edifying material and links on the main page. As soon as I figure out how to add pages to this thing I'll add an editorial section removed from the initial site; I'm well aware many people aren't interested in my personal opinion but there are a few things I'd like to say and get feedback on.

I hope in the future to gain some collaborators who hold interests different from mine. I'm mostly into literature and music so expect to see a lot of that. If you have an interesting item you'd like to see posted or have a comment or question, email me at notusingyourbrain@gmail.com.

Although the blog's headline may seem a little condescending and elitist, I'm not interested in snobbery. I do feel, however, that not enough people are interested in bettering their lives through open inquiry, passionate learning, and a frank curiosity for the world we live in. This blog is my own humble way of trying to change that.

Now that's over with, what say you we get started?